Author: mozdikova (page 1 of 2)

Operational Programme Fishes Management

The aim of the OP FM is sustainable and competitive sector of fishes management.

Important document:

Operational Programme Fishes Management

Rural Development Programme

National Strategic plan for Rural Development 2007-2013 is realised through 4 axes aimed ať increasing of agriculture and forest management protection and increasing of quality of environment, diversification or increasing the quality of life in the countryside.

Important document:

Operational Programme Environment

The global objective of OPE is to improve the environment and rational utilisation of resources through completion and higher quality of environmental infrastructure of the Slovak Republic pursuant to EU and Slovak legislation, and to strengthen the effectiveness of the environmental component of sustainable development.

Important document:

Operational Programme Environment

Operational Programme Health

The global objective of the operational programme is focused on the improvement of conditions influencing health condition of the productive-age and unproductive-age population through increasing of the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of healthcare and health support under healthcare infrastructure.

Important document:

Operational Programme Health

This document is just translation of operational Programme.

Operational Programme Employment and social inclusion

Global objective of OP ESI is  significantly increase competitiveness, regional performance and employment by 2013 while respecting sustainable development.

Important documents:

Operational Programme Employment and Social Inclusion

Operational Programme Education

The global aim of OP Education is ensuring competitiveness of the Slovak Republic in the long run by adapting the system of education to the needs of a knowledge-based society.

Important document:

Operational Programme Education

Operational Programme Research and Development

The Global Objective of Operational Programme Research and Development is: Modernisation and increased efficiency of the system of support to research and development and improvement of the quality of infrastructure of higher schools so that they contribute to the growth of competitiveness of the economy, redressing of the regional disparities, creation of new innovative (high-tech) small and medium-sized enterprises, jobs creation and improvement of the conditions of the education process on higher schools.

Important document:

Operational Programme Research and Development

Operational Programme Technical Assistance

The global goal of the OP TA is to ensure the effective, efficient and proper management, implementation, financial management, control and audit of the Structural Funds and of the Cohesion Fund in the years 2007-2013 in Slovakia to achieve the strategic goal of the SR: Till the year 2013 to increase significantly competitiveness and performance of the regions and the Slovak economy and employment while respecting sustainable development.

Important document:

Operational Programme Technical Assistance

Regional Operational Programme

The global gole of ROP is increasing of availability and quality of the civil infrastructure and amenities of the territory in the regions.

Important document:

Regional Operational Programme

Operational programme Competitiveness and Economic Growth

The global objective of the OP CEG is to ensure growth of industry and services competitiveness.

Important document:

Operational Programme Competitiveness and Economic Growth


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